
Monday, 3 May 2010


I have a blog going around in my head all the time. The problem with this is that I do not have a laptop on a string around my neck. So I feel frustrated at all these wonderful thoughts that I would like to share, that are stuck there in my brain. Should I do what my Granny did and hang a notebook around my neck with a little pencil, on a string? Problem is I would never stop writing things down, and life would come to a standstill.

How do I let the words go and not worry about losing them forever? How do I trust that the most important ones will come flooding back when I sit in front of my screen?

Beethoven had two notebooks with him all the time. One was for first thoughts. Those fragments that come to you as you are washing the dishes or driving the car (or the carriage in his case perhaps). Then every day he would discipline himself to go through his First Thoughts notebook and spend time developing the thoughts into a context. From this he would choose work that stood out for him and grow it into symphonies and concertos. This allowed the creative impulse to be captured, nurtured and disciplined into great works of art.

I have two notebooks, but I am struggling to have them with me when I need them. I also find it difficult to stop what I am doing and write a thought down immediately. I always think "I'll just finish this and then I'll write it down", but I never do. How am I going to build this habit into my life?

I started reading Twyla Tharp's book about the Creative Habit. I need to continue her book and perhaps it will help me with some practical ideas.


loomer said...

i found that using a modern digital dictaphone is brilliant,, but my main capture is always a camera,, i use visiual diary for collecting memories and thoughts, taking several hundred photos a day and then editing them, later, even two years or five years down the ages , i am instantly transported back to the moments of photographing the scene... perhaps this comes from my artistic background hey Cathy... love you,,, Keitho

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