
Wednesday, 5 May 2010

What a fabulous day

Yes I am using the word fabulous a lot recently. Oh well. I expect I shall find a new favourite word soon.
In the meantime, I am very pleased with myself because today has been a good one. Which is always worth crowing over a bit. I mean, there is so much whinging going on these days that it makes a nice change. Doesn't it!

What made today a good one. Well to start with, I have been rather enjoying waking up early with my family because of jet-lag. I have always wanted to wake up at 6am, bounce out of bed fresh and perky and make beautiful things for breakfast. My body clock doesn't function that way though, and never has. Nights are my thing, not mornings (and not even nights for the last 6 months).

So, early rise, great sparkly sunny day ahead and a BIG bunch of beautiful flowers to arrange. Kids off to school, fresh old-fashioned sugar cookie dough ready in the fridge. I got dressed in a spring dress! Yes it was warm enough!! Went off for a great haircut. Isn't it the best when you get a GREAT haircut! A cup of tea in Provender, the local deli, with my lovely husband. Talk work for a while, and do a clearing-head GTD exercise (GTD stands for Getting Things Done and it is a planning technique.) 

Provender Deli, South Petherton.

Yummy food, and a coffee shop tucked away in the back. And free Wifi, so we work there too!

Went home and GOT EVERYTHING DONE!!! Now that was the best part.

I must thank God for his favour today on all that we did. We got money paid back to us that has been owed for months, all on the same day. Hooray!

This evening was beautiful and we all went down to the field and played with Australian toys we brought back - a Lacrosse type thing and a dart type thing. OK you had to be there to get it. But it was so wonderful to feel the breeze on my face, and not be cold!!!

We were all happy.

Another one tomorrow please Lord!


loomer said...

days are filled at once with memories, and anticipation Cathy.. Love life


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